Mighty Moments – October 2020 – How FIT is your club?

How FIT is your club?

Altrusa is open to all members regardless of their needs and constraints. We recognize that everyone’s time is important and we must be flexible to attract and keep members – not just younger members, but all members as our lives change through life’s journey.

Altrusans must be open-minded about change and stay up with the changes of the world. The old saying of “that’s not the way we do it” needs to change to “what does flexibility look like in our club?” to retain a vibrant membership. Club leadership needs to think outside the box to actively look for ways for our club to be flexible and accommodate the busy lives of our members. Flexibility should be planned and designed by the club leadership while maintaining the continuity our bylaws and policies give us.

As a member, Altrusans cannot do everything. Members need to realize that although you will only get out of Altrusa what you put in, you should never feel guilty about not being able to be at every meeting or activity, and members should be honest about what they can and cannot participate in. The mantra of the Austin Altrusa club says it very well, “do what they can, when they can.”